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笑风云2023-08-24 15:39:01文化147

  #英语#描写端午节的词语(关于端午节的好词语)  第1张

  描写端午节的词语(关于端午节的好词语)  第2张


  端午节 Dragon Boat Festival


  5th day of the 5th month of the lunar calendar

  农历:lunar calendar


  1. Dragon Boat Festival 端午节

  2. Dragon boat race 赛龙舟

  3. Sticky rice 糯米

  4. Wrapped in a piece of leaf / Wrapped in leaves 包在叶子里

  5. Salty(美) / Savory(英/澳) 咸的

  6. Egg yolk 蛋黄

  7. patriotic poet 爱国诗人

  8. To commemorate Qu Yuan 为了纪念屈原

  9. Lunar calendar 农历

  10. Keep up the tradition 保留传统

  11. row the boat 划船

  12. drumming 打鼓

  13. poet 诗人

  14. jump in the river 跳江

  15. rice dumplimngs 粽子

  16. bamboo leaves 竹叶

  17. throw rice dumplings into the river 扔粽子到江中

  18. sachet 香囊

  19. egg balancing 立蛋

  The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival, is a traditional Chinese holiday celebrated on the 5th day of the 5th month of the lunar calendar. It is named after the famous poet Qu Yuan, who lived during the Warring States period in ancient China.


  Here are some customs and traditions associated with the Dragon Boat Festival:


  Dragon Boat Races: One of the most prominent features of the festival is the dragon boat races. Teams of rowers paddle in long narrow boats decorated like dragons to the beat of drums. These races are held in rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water, and attract both participants and spectators.龙舟竞赛:端午节最显著的特色之一就是龙舟竞赛。在鼓声中,一队划桨手划着装饰成龙状的狭长小船。这些比赛在河流、湖泊和其他水体中举行,吸引了参与者和观众。

  2. Zongzi: Zongzi is a traditional food eaten during the Dragon Boat Festival. It is made by wrapping sticky rice and various fillings, such as meat, beans, or nuts, in bamboo leaves and then steaming or boiling them. Zongzi symbolizes the rice balls that were thrown into the river to feed the fish and prevent them from eating Qu Yuan's body.


  3. Hanging Up Medicinal Herbs: Some people hang up bundles of medicinal herbs, such as mugwort and calamus, on their doors or windows during the festival. This is done to ward off evil spirits and protect against diseases.


  4. Wearing Colorful Threads: It is a common tradition to wear colorful threads during the Dragon Boat Festival. These threads are usually made from silk and are believed to have the power to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck.


  5. Drinking Realgar Wine: In some regions of China, people drink a type of wine called realgar wine during the Dragon Boat Festival. Realgar is a type of arsenic sulfide, and it is believed to have the ability to repel evil spirits and insects.


  6. Making and Displaying Paper Dragons: Paper dragons are often made and displayed during the festival. These colorful paper dragons are hung up or carried around during the dragon boat races or other festivities to bring good luck and drive away evil spirits.
